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Who I am
My name is Steven Ma and I'm a recent graduate from the MBA program at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business (Class of 2015). I am passionate about health care commercialization and entrepreneurship. In the summer of 2014 I was a commercial intern at Bristol-Myers Squibb and I'm currently an Associate Director there.Prior to school I was in the science world. I did research at the National Institutes of Health for 3 years studying HIV and the human immune system. Before that I studied biology at Oregon State University.
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Why I blog
As you can see I've made the transition from a non-traditional background (the life sciences) into a business role (marketing). When I made the leap into the MBA world, there weren't a lot of resources out there to help me, given my specific interests. Since I loved to write, I started blogging about my experiences and learnings to help others who were interested in getting an MBA without having a traditional business background.In addition, there is a lot of biased and oftentimes incorrect information out there regarding the MBA. Given my science background, I love to think rationally and make decisions based on cold, hard facts and solid data. This blog is also my attempt to use a data-driven approach to help people decide if the MBA is right for them. I'm a big fan of LifeSciVC and also enjoy publishing posts that are informative and based on the analysis of data.
Help me help you
Engagement with you, my readers, is what keeps me writing. If you like my content, please subscribe, share and comment. I usually will respond within a day or two. I also love to take suggestions on my next blog post.Email me
You can reach me via email with any questions or comments at steven <at> stevensma.com.Prospective students interested in the Duke MBA: please read the FAQ I helped write for GMATClub before reaching out, thanks!

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